Real Leaf Herbal Blends

Real Leaf Herbal Blends are ideal for those seeking a way to smoke without intaking nicotine or tobacco. Real Leaf is a tobacco alternative for those who want to roll their own cigarettes.
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Established in 2012, Real Leaf has become a global leader when it comes to tobacco substitutes. Real Leaf can be used alone or with other smokable blends and provides a delicate aroma and texture. Herbal cigarettes offer the familiar smoking experience without many of the negative side effects that are associated with smoking tobacco and nicotine.
What Are Real Leaf Herbal Blends Made From?
Real Leaf blends are made 100% from natural plants such as marshmallow root, mullein leaves, red raspberry leaves and liquorice root. The terpenes range has added terpenes – identical to Cannabis Terpenes but without the psychoactive effects of cannabinoids – they help to enhance the blend’s flavour.

Here at Havana House, we have a range of Real Leaf Herbal Blends in 20g pouches, including Bubba Kush, Tangie and Jack Herer Terpene Herbal Smoking Blends, as well as the 30g Real Leaf Herbal Smoking Blend Tobacco.

Browse our range of Real Leaf Herbal Blends below, or explore our full collection of herbal cigarettes and tobacco-free products at Havana House.

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