Loose Pipe Tobacco

Our selection of loose pipe tobacco offers an extensive variety of blends, styles and brands, so you can find the perfect pipe experience to enjoy. The best quality tobacco from around the world is used to make our loose tobacco. The difference between these and pre-packed tobacco is considerable.[show_more more=”See More…” less=”…See Less”]

It is not just the aroma that affects pipe smoking. The cut or size of the tobacco affects how it packs into the pipe, how well it stays lit and how fast and hot it burns. A larger leaf cut may burn slowly and evenly but may be difficult to pack and keep lit. Our loose pipe tobacco is created for use in smoking pipes, and here at Havana House, we have a wide range of styles, cuts and brands available.
Why Choose Loose Pipe Tobacco?
Pipe tobacco is either pre-packaged or loose. Pre-packaged tobacco comes in a plastic pouch or tin like hand rolling cigarette tobacco, whereas loose tobacco is typically stored in jars and portioned into a pouch by a tobacconist when sold.

As a result, loose tobacco tends to have much more flavour and offer a pleasurable smoke in comparison to pre-packaged blends. However, it is more at risk of drying out than pre-packed depending on the way it is stored. The choice is yours, but many pipe smokers enjoy the enhanced flavour and smoking experience presented by loose tobacco.
Loose Pipe Tobacco Cuts
Our range of loose pipe tobacco is available in a few different cuts and styles, including ribbon cut, coarse cut, flake cut, ready rubbed and mixtures. There is something to suit all smoking styles and preferences.
Types of Loose Pipe Tobacco
Our selection of loose pipe tobacco includes both aromatic and non-aromatic tobaccos, as well as a selection of blends made from the likes of Burley, Virginia and Cavendish tobacco.
Loose Pipe Tobacco Brands
Here at Havana House we have loose pipe tobacco from a range of leading brands, including Gawith Hoggarth, Mac Baren, Century, and Thomas Radford.

You can check out our full range of loose pipe tobacco below, or feel free to get in touch if you are unsure about which type of pipe tobacco is the right choice for you.[/show_more]

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