Clan Pipe Tobacco

Clan offers complex blends of pipe tobacco that have been enjoyed by pipe smokers for generations. It has that quintessential pipe smoke aroma that really brings a sense of nostalgia to those who light up this delicious blend. [show_more more=”See More…” less=”…See Less”]
Clan Original Pipe Tobacco
The best-loved offering from Clan is the Original Pipe Tobacco, which brings together no less than 14 different tobaccos from around the world. This includes favourites like Burley, Kentucky, Cavendish, Black Cavendish, Virginia, Perique, Turkish and Maryland, which create an exciting blend that pops up with intriguing scents and flavours as you puff.
How to Prepare Clan Original Pipe Tobacco
The Clan Original tobacco is ready to use in the pipe straight away, as it is ready rubbed and made of loose strands. It is cool and slow-burning, releasing a unique aromatic character as you smoke it.
What Does Clan Pipe Tobacco Taste Of?
With notes such as whisky, fruit and caramel, plus a mild to medium taste and strength, this really is a tobacco that all can find enjoyment in. Plus, with a pleasant room note, you’ll want to light up Clan tobacco over and over again!

If Clan tobacco seems like the right choice for you, then browse our range below and discover the delicious tastes of the intriguing blend. [/show_more]

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