Cuban Rum

Cuba isn’t just famous for its cigars – the rum is pretty special too! Rum is the national drink of Cuba and now offers some of the best bottles in the world, with world-renowned brands like Havana Club originating in Cuba. [show_more more=”See More…” less=”…See Less”]
What Does Cuban Rum Taste Like?
Typically, Cuban rum is light and crisp, especially in comparison to Jamaican rum, which is rich and bold. Cuban rums offer a more elegant and refined profile.
Why Choose Cuban Rum?
Similar to why Cuba is so good for producing cigars, Cuban rum has a fantastic taste thanks to the unique climate and terroir available on the island. The conditions are ideal for growing sugarcane and tobacco, and the producers are expertly skilled at yielding impressive crops and high-quality products.
How is Cuban Rum Made?
Cuban rum is typically produced by extracting the juice from sugarcane to create molasses and sugar. The molasses are fermented in tanks with yeast and water, before being distilled in copper-lined stills. The resulting liquid is then aged in white oak barrels. To be considered Cuban rum, the rum must stay in these barrels for at least two years before it is filtered through charcoal. The filtered rum can then be blended together by the Cuban rum masters to create a delicious drink.
Cuban Rum Brands
Here at Havana House, we stock a delicious range of Cuban rum from beloved brands, including Havana Club, Rob Cubay, Santiago de Cuba and ​​Legendario. Browse our full range below to discover an exciting drink. [/show_more]

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