Cohiba Behike

The Cohiba Behike range is often considered to be the greatest Cuban cigars ever made. These cigars are constantly in high demand but are an incredibly exclusive luxury range with a limited annual production. Made from an exquisite blend of top-quality Cuban tobacco, these medium-bodied cigars offer the ultimate taste and aroma of a Habano.
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Size of Cohiba Behikes
The Cohiba Behike range comes in three sizes; the BHK 52, BHK 54, and BHK 56. The numbers 52, 54, and 56 refer to the ring gauge of the cigar, making the Behike range fairly stout.

The larger ring gauge is necessary, as the Behike range includes a fourth type of tobacco leaf, which is included in the filler blend – the Medio Tiempo.
Medio Tiempo Leaves
One of the most unique aspects of the Cohiba Behike range, and one of the reasons they are so rare, is the inclusion of Medio Tiempo leaves. The Medio Tiempo are the two leaves at the top of a sun-grown tobacco plant, which are intensely flavourful.

Not every plant will produce these leaves, and it takes a lot of skill to produce a plant with Medio Tiempo that is of sufficient quality for use in a cigar. As such, Cohiba Behikes are limited in availability.

Take a look at our Cohiba Behike cigars below and sign up to be notified when these rare cigars come back in stock! [/show_more]

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