Gurkha Cigars

Gurkha Cigars is one of the oldest cigar brands in the world, first created in 1887. The brand was resurrected in 1989 to great success, with a range of super-premium cigars taking the then booming cigar market by storm.

Today, Gurkha Cigars make cigars for all price points and all palates using high manufacturing standards, strict quality controls and only the finest tobacco.

Shop for premium Gurkha cigars today and start adding to your collection.
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History of Gurkha Cigars
The brand has a rich history, having been created over a century ago. It was originally a small, independent company until Kaizad Hansotia tried a Gurkha cigar from Portuguese vendors in Goa, India, in 1988. He enjoyed them so much that he bought the entire business from them for $143. He managed to then turn the Gurkha brand into luxury cigars, perfectly suited to the new cigar smoker.

Gurkha Cigars are now legendary and known for their expertly handcrafted smokes.
Price of Gurkha Cigars
When Gurkha cigars were revived, they were crafted in a unique way, setting them above their competition, with highly ornate cigar bands and packaging. They came with a steep price tag, making them a luxurious and exclusive brand for those who like the finer things in life. This helped to establish Gurkha as an ultra-premium brand.

Nowadays, Gurkha offers cigars at all price points and for all palate preferences, making them a more accessible brand for the everyday cigar smoker, while retaining the sense of luxury and elegance that the brand is known for.

Browse our range of Gurkha Cigars below to find single smokes and boxes of cigars to enjoy from this premium Dominican Republic cigar brand. [/show_more]

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