Backwoods Cigars

Having been founded in the early 1970s, Backwoods have grown to be one of the best selling cigars in the USA. A simple idea is at the heart of the company – use only 100% natural tobacco, a novel idea for a flavoured cigar company. [show_more more=”See More…” less=”…See Less”]This means that their products do not include added flavourings or chemicals, just great tobacco.
This, coupled with their ageing and production methods, results in a wild aroma while providing an overall smooth smoke. Their size suits people who don’t have the time to indulge in a full-length cigar, catering for a shorter, more casual smoke. The key ingredient in the cigars is the use of a Connecticut Broadleaf as a wrapper, which has been aged for more than a year, allowing a fuller flavour to eminate from the sticks.
Check out our range of Backwoods below to discover the massive flavour from these slightly shorter smokes.

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