Chewing Tobacco

Chewing tobacco offers an alternative way of enjoying tobacco without having to smoke. Also known as snus, chewing tobacco is the perfect smokeless alternative for situations where you are not allowed to smoke or produce vapour.

We stock a range of chewing tobacco from top brands like Oden’s, Siberia, General, White Fox and V2.

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There are several different types of chewing tobacco, including:

Chew bags

Our primary form of chewing tobacco are portions or CB (chewing bags). These are popped under the upper lip, to the side of your front teeth, and left for you to enjoy the tobacco flavours that emerge. Despite the name, you don’t actually have to chew these! They can be left as long as you need, but are typically used between 15 minutes to an hour.

You’ll find a wide variety of tobacco experiences with CB chewing tobacco, as there are Cold Portions which offer a cool minty burst, as well as Extra Stark for more intense strength and Dry for a hint of spice!

If you’d prefer to actually chew your tobacco, then why not try out our Kendall Twist chewing tobacco. Twist chewing tobacco is like a rope of tobacco twisted together. It is sliced or bitten off and then chewed – it can also be smoked in a pipe. Twist tobacco is powerful stuff, so it’s best left to more experienced chewing tobacco users!

You can browse our full range of chewing tobaccos below or take a look across the rest of our site to discover even more forms of tobacco to enjoy. [/show_more]

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