Did You Know About These Interesting Cigar Facts?

Cigars are steeped in history, with evidence of tobacco smoking from thousands of years ago. While many cigar smokers will think that they know all there is to know about their beloved smokes, there are still plenty of surprises to be found out about cigars! Have a read of these interesting cigar facts and drop some knowledge on your cigar loving friends – it is bound to give you aficionado brownie points!

Tobacco Seeds Are Small But Fairly High Maintenance

A thousand tobacco seeds can fit inside a thimble. Once planted, cigar tobacco plants need approximately eight hours of sunlight each day.


Cigars Used to Be Fairground Prizes

The phrase, “Close, but no cigar,” originated in the day when a cigar was a popular carnival game prize. Imagine the uproar today if the local fair was handing out cigars instead of teddies!


Christopher Columbus Introduced Cuban Tobacco to the Western World

In 1492, Christopher Columbus first landed on the island known today as Cuba. He noted his disappointment that there was no treasure to be found! Fortunately for stogie fans, the locals introduced him to the burning and inhaling of the leaves they called Cohiba, known today as tobacco. You can discover more about the history of Cuban tobacco here.


Smoking in the White House

When an American pilot who was shot down in Bosnia was rescued, Bill Clinton marked the occasion by lighting up and enjoying a Romeo Y Julieta cigar in the White House. In doing so, he broke Hilary’s no smoking rule!



Cigar Rollers Have a Special Job Title

A highly skilled or specifically trained cigar roller is referred to as a torcedor, with them able to produce at least 200 cigars a day!


An Oxygen Mask Was Created For Smoking Cigars While Flying

In preparation for his first high-altitude aeroplane flight, Winston Churchill ordered the creation of an oxygen mask that would accommodate cigar smoking.


High Humidity Levels Are Needed For Fermenting Tobacco

Prior to rolling, tobacco leaves must have a humidity level of around 80 to 95 percent. The taste and aroma from your favourite cigar come from the fermentation process the tobacco has been through.


Poisoned Cigars Were Used to Target Fidel Castro

In 1961, the CIA was given instructions to use their medical services to place a poison into Fidel Castro’s cigars, but the scheme didn’t go to plan. Castro came out and said he received a diplomatic gift from the CIA and that the cigars made him sick but had tasting notes of leather and gorgonzola!


Humidors Are Essential

A cigar humidor uses Spanish cedar, and it’s normally kiln dried to stop the bleeding of sap. A properly conditioned cigar can age, develop and mature for a lifetime when kept in optimum conditions.


Can Cigars Make You More Creative?

Legendary writer Mark Twain used to smoke 300 cigars a month. At one point he quit the habit, however, he ended up suffering from writers block. He then resumed his cigar habit and wrote a book in three months.


If this isn’t enough cigar facts for you, then check out our blog post on more unusual cigar facts!

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